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Showing posts from May 17, 2009

TRUTH SERUM SERIES (No.2) - It's None Of My Business -

A few weeks ago we hosted dinner at with a friend of mine and her new husband. Now, I am gonna share some things (primarily in bold) that you might want to write down. Ready? This meal was with a friend that I had not seen since last autumn (and her new husband). It was a good night of laughter and shared truths as well as some illusions which were quite funny to discover. She was reflecting on things she said she had learned from me during the course of our friendship. These were things that I had said about happiness, faith and religion, family and some things on being positive and authentic that I had shared or remarked during our conversations. These are two good people by our measure and perception. We talked into the wee hours of the evening until they ended up staying for the evening in the front guest room. One of the things we talked about that evening was the dramatic shift that I have made over the past year or so, regarding how I react to things and people. You