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TRUTH SERUM SERIES (No.2) - It's None Of My Business -

A few weeks ago we hosted dinner at with a friend of mine and her new husband. Now, I am gonna share some things (primarily in bold) that you might want to write down.


This meal was with a friend that I had not seen since last autumn (and her new husband). It was a good night of laughter and shared truths as well as some illusions which were quite funny to discover. She was reflecting on things she said she had learned from me during the course of our friendship. These were things that I had said about happiness, faith and religion, family and some things on being positive and authentic that I had shared or remarked during our conversations.

These are two good people by our measure and perception. We talked into the wee hours of the evening until they ended up staying for the evening in the front guest room.

One of the things we talked about that evening was the dramatic shift that I have made over the past year or so, regarding how I react to things and people.

You see, there are things I simply don't react to. When I say this I mean there is no outward physical reaction or heavy emotional response that I have to certain things. This is particularly true if that "thing" is something negative.

I always have a spiritual response to things and I watch my energy. I believe that what we give energy to grows for better or worse and that the unmanned conductors of energy have no reason and thus,no notion of what is good or bad for a person, place or time. The only thing I do with that which I have no outward reaction to is acknowledge what may be a call for prayer and I will send my prayers up and abound in response to many things. Prayer is the one offering that I consider ceaseless and it is actually quite nourishing.

That said, I have a bit of control in how I react and what energy I put out to be conducted. This is a power we all have. I am not afraid of it. I am grateful for it and I respect it for what it is. Those who know light must also know darkness in order to navigate their lives. I liken it to a Google internet search. We know what we are putting into the search engine and if we are disciplined on how to put our request out there the results we get and the depth of information we retrieve will be different and likely reflect what we intend. Like searching Google efficiently, I had to learn this.

I told my friend that I have simply become and perfectly so..."unaffected by all things that have a lack of love." Love is defined on my terms of course, but this is what makes it so great. I choose. I define it by how well impacted the people I claim to love are by their relationships with me. If there is no love perceived in the experience I do not take anything personally.
My intention is love and that is what I respond best to.

I have no room for lack in a world where my heart, mind, and experience tells me that there is great abundance. I react to my truth. I make no room and simply have no room for lack because I believe in miracles and that they are always of great and magnificent design, good energy and well intentions.

I find myself spending the most of my time now with people who support this belief. Illusion or not it is our belief and the volume thereof in this case makes me and others feel like we can fly. This shift in perspective was always alive in me, but the time that we are in has it on a cosmic billboard and sometimes collide with other energy that I have no control over because they are not mine and none of my business.  I mesh well with experiences, business, missions and people who know that they are crafting miraculous things and who live by the service,efficiency and TRUTH that they give to every situation that surrounds them.

This is best done when we know what  we do not need react to. When I am presented with things that make
" no-sense" to me; where I cannot see the greater good of by becoming involved in the talk,the business, the event, I react with these simply words often and tenderly:
" I am focused on something that requires my highest energy and that (story, thing, event, drama) which you are sharing is none of my business. "

My friend was shocked to hear that I would just deliver my TRUTH in that way; I imagine that the lack of sugar coating made this a hard pill to swallow.
I explained...we should never be shocked by what is true for one person. We should honor it.

Figuring out what is your business can guarantee a closer existence to a state not popular enough but widely known and desired. That state is PEACE


  1. Bravo. I wish more peopel would mind their business! We'd be better off.

  2. oh my! I could have benefitted from reading this BEFORE i went to the park to walk the dog today! i allowed myself to get into an altercation with someone whose issues were really not my business. and then, when they made a derogatory comment about my appearance (i am overweight), I, to put it mildly, gave them my energy, and, what a waste of time and happiness. a beautiful day in the park with a friend and my dog turned into garbage -- and I allowed it. THANK YOU FOR YOUR POST! AND, GOOD FOR YOU! SG

  3. Dear (SG)Anonymous. No one has the right to pose commentary that attack the forms that another spirit travels in your body)verbally or physically. I think I know what you mean but in this case. You are overweight for what? Walking in the park does not have a weight requirement? You already know to emancipate your energy for good. Each time one person attacks another is a call for someone to be stronger and of service in prayer for the other. Your day is no less beautiful, but you are more beautiful for acknowledging your power. Your friend is still your friend and your dog still your dog and I also believe the park will be there tomorrow as well. Bless you


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