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Honor and Reveal Your Genius

I learn a lot about how we as human behave from observing other forms of life.
We all can.

I must share an ongoing observation that provides a great study of people and the virtue of honor.

Fish reveal their genius in water.
We would not put fish in a bucket of sand and expect them to swim.
They are not made for sand.

In the same way a fish has responsibility that when claiming to be one and presented with swims. That fish must swim. This is especially true if it claims over and over to be what it is called. It must do what fish are called to do or in truth it is what ..I dead fish.

If fish cannot and don't swim and does not behave as it should, it is essentially just bait and prey for the bigger and better of the sea that it finds itself amongst.

Fish are often observant. Learning from the bigger and better fish of the sea.
When a fish is unsure but dedicated to honoring its being, it humbly joins a school of fish and creates a movement by developing authentic knowledge.
It learns, swims against the tide and makes it upstream. It has no time for ego when it wants to be upstream.

The other thing that I have learned: Loyalty!
Fish never undermine other fish.
Cows never undermine other cows.

Much of what is of nature is not deceptive or deviant. That and those who naturally belongs in a space shows a great deal of virtue, honor, loyalty, and resilience and is good for the whole that it is a part of.

Much of what is dishonorable does deceive and is polarizing. A dead fish in something as exclusive as a fish tank can kill the whole aquarium if not removed.

The tomato seed does not ask the watermelon seed what it believes it should be.
When you are doing what you are supposed to be doing and when you stand where you are supposed to be doing it..divine prosperity is there.

The future you inherit is determined by who and what you have chosen to honor and your respect our disregard for boundaries.

Listening is the seed for learning. People who know and have shown the fruits of honorable behavior should be listened to.

Conversation is the seed for knowledge. Knowledge is the seed for change. Changing what you know creates a change in what you do.

Knowing who to hold your conversations with is key.

If you read the Holy Bible as a reference, Daniel studied conversation for three years before he could have a meal with the King. Recognizing who the king figures are and displaying loyalty to them is a guarantee to secure the fruits of life's Kingdom in all areas of life.

Prisons are full of men and women who were not trained on who to honor, disregarded authority, practiced insubordinate acts, allowed ego to lead them and did not observe the boundaries that allow for the better of things greater than themselves.

I have learned that if you fail with your life it will be because of a person that you choose to dishonor. It's not karma folks, it simply is what it is. The law of the seed and perhaps the law of the universe (culmination of all seeds).

People have far reaching impact and when they stand in charge of something good and have given us the tools and more fertile ground... or a right elements where we could thrive and we don't . It is our own fault and /or incapability.

Perhaps we were thrown in the sky, but we are a cow. Cows can't fly but they do honor the grass!

If you succeed with your life it will be because of choosing to honor a person, the environment, our responsibility to the children, a discipline towards truth, goodness,honesty, a devotion towards excellence and repair, authentic compassion, and expelling any elitist ways of being.

Dishonor is the seed for lost, tragedy, and failure.

As I embark in all areas of my life ...I am asking the divine spirit to keep me honorable and allow me to teach honor to the innocents that do not know.
I am discerning about where honor does not exist and the power we have to remove dishonorable acts from the environment that requires the best energy to achieve best results is a responsibility that we all share.

I wish that people would understand a few things:
Saying nice things is not honor. Adjectives are not honor.

Honor, protects, corrects, listens, it is sincere and never under minds leadership or intent of a discerning body of power.

Reaction to an instruction from your boss, professor, teacher, parent, elder, etc. reveals your code of honor.
What you tell people about who you are and what you do reveals your code of honor.
Knowing the difference between character and combining character with extreme competence and resilience is honorable.

Honor is a seed that outlasts lifetimes and is a necessary trait in the healing arts and all organizations for good in general.

This world requires honor and honorable people in order to heal and make better the way of being for our future generations.

This is the law of the seed. Know who you are, speak that truthfully and plant yourself only where you can be authentic. Remember this law of the seed.

A seed is a "seed" and only depends on that one word to define itself.
When planted it reveals its genius.

I challenge myself from time to time to define what I do and who I am by one word.
I embrace that one word and have not deviated from it. I invite others to do the same.

If we put corn in the ground. Corn comes up.
We expect it to be yellow or white, full of niblets and hopefully sweet.
We expect it to be nourishing and we expect it to be honorable in doing and providing the nourishment that was intended.

This you should know. We all should. HONOR not a four lettered word.
Genius is revealed through honorable people.


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