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Filling Emptiness - Is it what you think?

 It seems sometimes that the reason we exist is to fill emptiness. A good way we get to the meaning of who we are is through the experience of emptiness. For some of us it is the striving and the struggle to fill that emptiness that defines us and others around us.

 This thought came to me today and it put into perspective many things that are happening now in our world  at large ....and so you know, I had to share. It truly applies to almost anything that we are involved in or rather that we involve ourselves in. Things coming to be what they are or what people would  like them to be requires acts that we believe are necessary when filling a void.

No child is born without one cell coming into another.  Sperm goes  into egg (literally) and even before that be it in vitro or otherwise...well you know. Fetus grows into empty womb. Dare I say that our birth is our fullness.We come into being from something once empty already being filled. So this may justify what seems like an innate belief that in order to "be"...  emptiness must be filled. We have our jobs and we "sell what we offer" and "offer what we sell" because somewhere there is a void and/or an emptiness that calls for what we offer. There is a market for filling emptiness. This was no different when I was CEO of a non-profit either.
In curing and offsetting the ills of society or particular conditions we were filling an emptiness.

Now, I am back in advertising and marketing and working in the digital media space. The void there?
People want ...actually we know that in my arena it is women who want more stimulation and for empty spaces to be filled. We all fill a sort of emptiness. What we produce is designed to fill some lack; of information and even new insight. They  want it they get it through mobile and digital means.

A specific kind of woman yes, but still they are seeking a fill of something - an emptiness and our duty is to make it less empty for her than before she interacted and decided to be come a " member " of the brand. This through a magazine made up of sound, pictures,  and articles that create much for those who want it.

Advertisers decide to align and integrate into certain brand channels because they know that some emptiness exist and that someone seeking to fill themselves up will want what they have to offer.We in partnership with these advertisers give them much of what they want momentarily..alter something for a time, but then the next moment is an empty one which allows for us to have assign a new space - written, designed, crafted differently but appealing to the same senses that when stimulated makes them think...the empty is gone...momentarily.

But what is wrong with emptiness? Nothing at all actually considering that it is all that some of us know.
We are loyal to materials. We need literal substance because that is how we are defined. We have not all learned that emptiness is substantial in of itself. We have not all learned that in order to be in the moment emptiness is necessary. In order to know what we need ..emptiness is necessary. We do not all desire to know emptiness because of how we define it. 

Moment after moment and in order to find our own way,  we can choose to forget what others will tell us about what we need and what is missing and just surrender to the emptiness. We can just put down the outside stimulus, the escape mechanisms, and are stripped so that we have no labels. We are defined by soul (and maybe science) alone. Filling up with things defines many of us defines our moments ...our lives.

Now consider this - Each time we have something to fill we cannot be in the moment. We cannot bring our best selves because we are connected to an end result. We cannot realize that what exists today will not necessarily exist tomorrow or lead to it for that matter.  We find it more difficult to recover or heal from all sorts of injury. We have a harder time creating  because the quest to fill strips us of our freedom.  

This is hard for all of us. You are doing it now. As you read over this blog and see the layout, that purposely looks like it has  some empty spaces  and you  may think ..'something is missing.'  You want to see it filled.
It is your test. This is how it is on purpose. Try your best to accept what you perceive as emptiness and just be.

Perhaps the key to filling emptiness is in fact accepting it.. Relying on less material to feel  filled works well.
We can do best to clean up where we are and not seek bringing more into it.  In fact stripping everything out of a room for example is a start. Creating emptiness is the act of filling it. Filling is having to sit with just ourselves to listen to nothing but the sounds in the head and heart  and as that fades our emptiness becomes "full emptiness" which in fact is a grand state.

So now...No light but yours...No sound but your heartbeat..No feeling but your breath...No rhythm but your pulse......Emptiness filled.

And so it is.


  1. And so it is indeed. I feel grateful that I have come to know this first-hand. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words, my beautiful friend.

  2. Yes! Accepting emptiness makes us aware and in that space we can give ourselves what we need. Great read!


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