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The Attack on Womanhood by " so gone" women

I AM outraged and sickened by some of the behavior I have seen by women online in the recent few days. Guess what women? We use social media to post and share at greater portions and frequency than our male counterparts and we could use it for good more so than anything else. It and we are all- powerful tools in social evolution and wellness of our world.

Following is my open letter crafted after seeing how some women have chosen humiliation over humility using social media this week and likewise it is for some of you women who are in my opinion "so gone":

Dear YOU,

And we as women are crafted to be compassionate creatures; allegedly with a mammalian instinct to nurture and protect; not just children --but the Divine intention is for Shakti grace; so we are to protect that which is vital and life affirming amongst each other as women. This is important ESPECIALLY as it applies to other women and children who depend on us to get here and thus impact perception of all humankind about who we are.

So then, when there is something of great embarrassment or tragic that occurs for another woman we have choices-- we can have a silent prayer or talk privately with another woman about it; and we can do gracious work to prevent it from happening again. Such actions reflect what is the spirit of sisterhood. But there are those women that crave attention and it appears that the dark is their way and perhaps their concept of light.Prefacing a post with " Oh poor..." does not lighten the offense. In fact it makes that sharing reveal the poster/poser as all the more slippery and insincere. It is sad that this is the way that you/they gain attention and need to share and post it across social media to further humiliate that other woman.

We cannot expect those that do not know what it is to be a woman to show respect and grace towards us when we do not do so for ourselves and other women. This is a fact. We influence men and all children. Fact..not debatable.

There is much happening with the EGO -- Edging God Out! Instead of that, try taking a moment to process God energy against everything that comes to YOU and us. Everything. I did and so ...this love letter comes to you.

I wonder where you and these other women learned that this highlighting of a bad moment was remotely okay to do/share? Is nothing scared to you? It is not okay.

YOU decide if you are simply and just biologically a woman but socially, mentally and spiritually a broken,bullying, untrained and miserable girl?
What is your agenda?

Have some respect for womanhood and take it down from your sites/pages.
The attention you crave should be built from your moments. Try it and you may realize that your life is quite full of work done and work to do. Please also know that there is karmic energy in all of your actions.

People say that 'karma is a bitch...' I say ...karma is neutral and can only be one if you have been one. Show some semblance of civility. Whether the other woman is a celebrity or not ...she does not deserve your type of negative attention or sharing in response to an already humiliating situation. Perhaps in this situation ...compassion which is often silent could be in play.

I know we are not all built the same and some women get some bizarre thrill out of talking about, creating gossip, slandering, feeding sadness, and creating drama for other women.

I simply don't see how one can feel powerful at work or leisure by breaking or trying to chip away at the favorable social standing of another person. It is better for us to use that time to benefit the refinement of our own lives,spirits,and social performance. It is nothing to be taken lightly.

You are your own PR and thanks ...because, I know not to do any business with you or expect that you are consistent in your emotional or spiritual claims.
You are attacking womanhood...ask yourself why you dislike it so much as a woman that you would need to do what you do? Why are you so uncomfortable with it?

The media, photographers, bloggers and such are WRONG to post such a bad moment of humiliation that happened when one woman was in tribute to another who had met her moment of ascension. The moment was about Ms.Etta James; a memorial/funeral service leading to a burial - a tribute to her life and contribution and could have been best left to that.

It is graceful to see and not capture, hear and not repeat. Gossip and sharing of misery have zero benefit. I know this will lead some of you to Google or searching on the gossip sites and blogs all over again. Perhaps you cannot help yourself because I refuse to reveal specifics here and you are not full without it.
Is that you nature or something else that needs feeding?

Christina Aguilera will be fine. As this too shall pass. Ms. Etta James has ascended; no more pain for her but for you... YOU need a healing and yes, my human judgement calls for it to occur upon your very soul.

Don't feel guilty.Work hard to become aware and yes, it would help if you deleted it where you may have posted or shared it. . Imagine you were Ms. Aguilera

Apply as needed. I wish you PEACE. I stand eager to see your brightest light. Espavo.

- Adrienne A. Wallace


  1. This an awesome post. I personally didn't see or even hear any of what happen. (Guess I don't run in those types of circles) But I agree with everything you said and have no desire to Google it just to satisfy a need to revel in another woman's peril. Thank you again for the post.

  2. You sum it up so perfectly with these words:We cannot expect those that do not know what it is to be a woman to show respect and grace towards us when we do not do so for ourselves and other women. This is a fact. We influence men and all children. Fact..not debatable.
    What we feel of ourselves; the respect we show ourselves and other women - that is what the world pecieves and reacts to.

  3. Thank you for this post. Everyday I speak positive light to people. I would rather my light shine than be dimmed by negativity. There is a much needed conversation that should be had. Again thank you for such insight.


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