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The Beginning is Now.....a delayed post for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Current mood: breezy
Category: Life
February 21, 2009 - Connecticut

The beginning is now ....and it always will be folks.
This week more than any other, I found myself having conversations of both business and personal nature which reaffirms one thing. People can't get up and get going because they are mired in their past. They are living in their days gone by and they are not able to move on. They have a hard time forgiving that some things just don't last forever and that some things simply end and don't work out as they would have planned or because they didn't plan {ahem! and amen!}.

With the number of job losses being incomprehensible at best and companies basically playing games and being squeamish when it comes to new hires and interviews, I think their is a psychological premise for hanging on to what has been. Memory of regimen can be a bitch even if that regimen did not serve us in getting to our personal best. We likely felt most normal because for good or bad we knew something was consistent. We find security in the consistently unsure, consistently unaware, consistently unprepared, consistently off course. Seriously though? Do You believe in a higher spirit than yourself? If yes, was that what you imagine the dream of the Higher Spirit to be for you? No? Then let it the heck go!

I say just let it go. Don't recall and lament how hard you worked for this person, that company or how much money you put into a past effort or that new venture only not to see it take off because the fact is cannot change what has already passed. You cannot change people. What is certain is that people either send a representative in the first encounter or you simply can take what you see with them and believe them , believe them , believe them. Did I say believe them?
Sometimes they say, "I don't know" and you come in to teach and they simply do not have the capacity to grasp what is there for the learning ; nor are they willing to learn. It 's okay.

What have we learned from the time gone by? How does that learning spirit us ahead and contribute to new strategies for the next run? What new boundaries and goals can be set?

Like me do you feel like a scout as you walk away? True scouts leave the camp ground better than they found it. Period. And they happily head towards new terrain. New knowledge and compass in hand. Compass(ion) in hand. Loving all the brush underfoot.

As we reflect we only need to think and answer a few things. What skills are transferable and what do we need to leave behind? Have we started to learn and investigate whatever is the next necessary discipline for our domain? What and who are we now certain will not fit into the strategy of greatness that is intended for us? As a consultant, I answer these questions every month in deciding who to engage and continue engagements with and I take nothing personal because sometimes, " it just doesn't fit."

Can't do that if we are stuck on what was so great or so horrible. Move on, let go, forgive and be in the now!!!!

I am all for the' leave behind.' When folks introduce something that just can't work or lament about what they wish it had been, I reply.."Leave that behind you and let it go so we can really get real things going." The psychological baggage, resistance to new cultures, old ways and old systems are often too much to carry along. I would dare say that they block the blessings when you do carry that stuff along. My father calls it " heavy shit " and would ask.." Are you a toliet or a person? Even a toilet flushes!" (lol)

It makes it hard to learn new things and be a part of the future. Let it go!

It's harder for people to do than one would ever imagine. As I get to know some people personally, I understand that the work life and creative expression often reflects things that are in and manifest in the personal life. They are resistant to change and likely have a great deal that they need to forgive and move on from. They are not disciplined and have a hard time committing or having committed relationships in their lives. Everything is a reflection of something greater. What one lacks in one space they typically lack in another.

About 16 years ago, I was introduced to a book, a manual actually ...known as A Course in Miracles
( ACM) . I embraced and found validation, confirmation , and the thriving principles of living in multiple facets of life ; including how I approach my professional life and career. Media and advertising is so dependent on psychological construct that I am glad I was introduced to it before I knew what my career or domain practice would actually be. I feel grounded.

Here is something from ACM:
'I see only the past. As I look about, I condemn the world I look upon I call this seeing. I hold the past against everyone and everything, making them my enemies. When I have forgiven myself and remembered Who I am, I will bless everyone and everything I see. There will be no past, and therefore no enemies. And I will look with love on all that I failed to see before."

In reading that, I get a visual of freeing up space from it; like on the memory of a computer where deleting or uninstalling certain software allows space for the next download. The installation of something new; the upgrade or that which makes it perform better, faster, more efficiently or simply allows us the opportunity to do what we have not done before... that is seeing. Resistance to learn is resistance to experience.

Now is the time to move on with humility and grace. The fact that you are not going back to that office on Monday morning, the fact that an original team member has left the team, those are not great tragedies. Forgive the fact that it didn't work out, the term has ended and now... NOW you can embrace the opportunity to get yours. And by yours, I mean what you really deserve.You'll be able to see what you are capable of without what you so heavily relied unpon. I do know that sometimes what we lose or a team member who departs could have launched us into a stratosphere that we could have only imagined, but the truth is that riding on someone elses coat tails is not the way.

The only thing we have a right to is being who we are not being where we were or getting what we thought we would get out of someone else. Trust in our own truths and the limited capacity of a time and others actually is a great way to measure ...what we have now.

Each of us must be able to evaluate in our own right. We may discover that where we thought we wanted to go is not the venue for us if we are honest. We are either not as talented, determined, or able as we or others hoped we would be or we discover that we are better than we or anyone else conceptualized us to be. Realization of this awards us many things. Use your real eyes and realize.
A better title, a bigger salary (even now) , a closer knit team with greater partnership potential, the opportunity to embrace living in the now , and most of all peace is what we could end up with.

Seriously..the beginning is now. I am excited! How about you?

Love and Light!

Adrienne Wallace Hayward


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