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Like the things around us ....

Early last week I got to thinking about how egotistical we all are and how the dominance by the ego drives us straight to hell or rather hellish experiences.
The downfall of personal relationships, the global economy, spiritual failures, professional and even physical failings are all the result of ego being in full play.

Every bad thing that is happening in the world now can be attributed to horrific egos and disregard. Suffering in all of its proportions are a result of the ego on over drive. I am convinced of this because of things I have learned through my own life experience, quiet observation of others, and also from practicing and following A Course In Miracles over the years.

I had someone tell me last week that he was 'looking for clarity in (his) life.' It is such a common thing to hear. People are often seeking either clarity or closure. In this case lack of clarity seems to be a reason to stay in a personal situation that is not exactly the best thing for this person. He has been having a hard time connecting one portion/relationship in his life to the things and people that he values most. One aspect of his life is not fluid; does not flow with the others.
It is typical of ego in dominance and so very human to have this happen at least once in the course of living. I asked him, "Define what clarity means to you?" He said he 'couldn't put it into words' and declared," Trust me..I'll know when I have it."

I guess 'when' is the time that he stops pretending,complaining and making excuses for things gone wrong and missions not attempted or accomplished.

You see, clarity comes where it is invited. This man is a hard worker, devoted to family and usually happy in appearance, but having a hard time getting out of the rut of a relationships he is in for all the wrong reasons. One reason being guilt. Yes,guilt; the worst reason of all to be anywhere.

My prayer is that he is strengthened to forgive himself first and realize and even rejoice at the great things that have come from his failings. This is necessary so that all placements in his life can be right going forward, fluid; deserving of him and what the future has on offer for him. I wish him that strength to live his truth ...have his clarity.

I understand not being able to articulate by voice what it is one requires. This is why I so value things like meditation, prayer, and the written word. I also encourage drawing, artistic hobbies, dancing,note taking and journals and ....uhhhhh! yes blogging and such. Symbols of our desires manifest through these mediums.

So what do I think we can do when we find ourselves in a rut? I think we can become still. We can stop animating for a spell and be more like a thing of energy than a person. A great example is water. Yes H2O. Like the water 'still moves' and just ebbs and flows in vibration with the earth. If water were human it is obviously quite trusting of the earth and exist in service of that same earth. It is not resistant to what flows so it is a widely trusted and reassuring body for travel, cleansing, nourishment. It carries life , revives life, quenches thirst, desire, hunger and all. Be like water. It is not concerned with proving that it is water. The earth and all of its inhabitants know that water is what it is. Water is a great example of suspended ego. Fludity. It just moves in its truth and the clarity that comes is a part of that gift of being.

So water is too big for you to get your head around? Did you drink, touch, use any today? Hhhhhmmh?!

Okay then....
Let's try imagining becoming a mirror. Every mirror is not clean. If it consistently is clean then it likely is not in good use. Every mirror is a different size, shape, has different placement. In order for a mirror to do what is does best; provide a has to be rubbed of its dust and debris, smudges, and smears. I imagine that if a mirror were human it would be accepting of the fact that multiple people and things that cloud its face are attracted to it, but it would know that it is a mirror known the less. It would be fully aware and comfortable in its purpose.That is clarity.

Notice that a mirror can be cleaned by water, something more acidic vinegar or ammonia, or it can just be rubbed with paper. The rubbing is never gentle. If it were our faces ...we would feel irritated; that is ego. A mirror withstands certain irritation time and time again to do what it does best...provide a reflection, and even if broken into many pieces, it allows us to see ourselves, and yes it provides clarity. So that mirror is like many of us. It lives that notion of no pain no gain as a part of its existence.

So clarity comes by suspending our egos and becoming more like the universal things around us. If you are having trouble finding clarity in your life spaces, stop pretending, make sure it connects to the greater most valued corner of your lives, be truthful if it does not and please do try to be still and become like the things around us.

"There is no worse sickness for the soul, o you who are proud, than the pretense of perfection." - Rumi


  1. Dude. sorry, Queen, my apologies. Listen, this is so on point. I appreciate how you summed it all up with the grandest, most universal conclusion of all. Encouraging us to essentially, unmask. "Stop pretending". Who can not hear that advice, and know that it most certainly does apply to them. In one way, one day, one moment or another, we pretend, we act, we over-something for the purpose of gaining power that is not authentic power. When all it takes is to "stop animating". Golly jee. Which is why I didn't delete my "Dude" at the intro, though I was tempted. But hey. S me, thats the first thing that I said when I began writing. So I figured. Hey. How can you not be yourself at a moment when you just read so many reasons why you should.

    Magical! (is magic catchy A???) smile


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