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Haiti - Stand Up!

Heavenly Father, Divine Energy of the Universe:

You know exactly who this group is. Some of us are calling on you more often than we get to brush our teeth in a given day and this is a good thing.

Born of this tragedy with your children and our brethren in Haiti will be heroic acts and new heroes. There will also be: Challenges and victors. Terrible trauma and destruction covered by relief and rebuilding. Pain which will call forth your healers.

There are people sleeping in the open air. Keep the breath of Jesus flowing through their bodies and hearts as it may be your will. Allow for the spontaneous worship as tragedy never diminishes faith.

Empower those of us and especially all those who believe to show up as our best selves and help in any way we can.
Empower also the young and old children who do not yet know your power to do all they can and the best WE can to contribute to the healing of Haiti. Allow this time to be a further revelation of your presence and blessings.

There may be darkness and horror in the rubble, but as Jesus rose so shall your people. Enlighten every heart and protect the unprotected from the anguish and desperation this time will bring.

We cannot imagine the despair. We will not pretend to. Let the light, energy and will of recovery illumine us and protect us all so we will never know but will react with our gifts and sharing to those who know this loss. Have mercy and grant us grace.

Present the vision of your dream for each family , each child, every do gooder and all the lightworkers there and let us be compassionate and empower the healing, love and humanity that is your intention for the world.

Let us leave nothing we can do undone. Deliver to those of us who do not have it, an awe and full reverence for all things earth through this quake. Help us channel our energies to protect each other and the treasures thereof no matter the nature of disaster. Life to Haiti ...and so it is!

- Adrienne aka Spirit Child


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