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How to get back to the middle. The heart, nucleus, center of your allstate.

Do you know that amidst the hustle and bustle of it all, despite the fear and dissatisfaction that we sometimes feel in our lives, God waits patiently for us to exercise the will and courage to get to our " allstate"?

That Divine One is saying . "You were made in love, designed for love, originally accepting and deserving of love. That is your allstate. " If your God does not say this to you..if it doesn't resonate, let me introduce you to it today.

How do we get there? Back to the middle?

We are going to have to be really selective in our personal lives and happiness is the only alternative. Nothing should be increasingly difficult when we are sure of the bliss God intends.

I think it is extremely important to let each person know what expectations we have of our lives and we must tell them and have them understand that what we want from them is only the things which support our life goals. It is in fact, a call to them to bring their best selves into our lives with the devotion that we will bring our best selves into their lives.

The first step in all of this is telling the truth that we crave and really want love. As we allow them close to us we are calling for love from them.

These are the words: " Give me love. It is what I desire in my life. Be consistent with it and do not take mine for granted." Yes, it is a bold call. Say it. Mean it. You might ache now but you were born not to. Bliss is your birthright.

When something feels good to us, we want the person involved to want it as badly as we do and we want them to show like effort. Happiness feels like this. Endorphins are released into our body and we feel high in spirit; nothing in our body aches. Nothing aches. We find love to be the masseuse of our lives.

Every relationship is challenged by expectations that we don't express and fears that we deny. The fear is the worst. When we are fearful, we are far away from the middle. Cortisol fills our body and we feel pain literally and repeatedly. Headaches, backaches, achy feet, issues with breathing and seeing that we attribute to spring allergies. Spring allergies is not what it is. What is happening is that everything around us that has been nurtured and open is growing. We however are not. We are in fact, resistant. We are feeling neglected and we are suppressed; therefore not growing. Cortisol surges through us and is in the root sections of our bodies when decide to let fear take over. So... we find ourselves contending with illness and pain and distracted from love. The results and condition of our lives reveal the truth of it all.

Focus on love, expect fullness in your life and I challenge you to tell the next close and personal encounter that you have, these things. When you are asked how you are, Answer: "I need to feel good without questioning it. I need to feel loved. I am ready to get back to the middle."

Have no fear in doing this. Happiness and comfort is our birthright and without them we are not yet in our allstate.



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