We have the New Year's resolutions, but I exempt myself from that. Too many people jump on that bandwagon and hunker down the wheels such that it is not serious or authentic for most. Then we get this time. Passover and Easter. A time of renewal, birth, rebirth in fact. Realization!
This time is tied to all the earth. It is tied not just to humans. It is tied to all life forces and all of nature. I am grateful for this time. The last year of my life has been full with deep contemplation. I have made significant sacrifices, given what I cannot get back, and now I reflect.
Out of my egg I come. New relationships, redefined relationships, some things that I will let fall away. New strategy and a select few to support me in adhering to my 2 lists. I share them below. Rebirth!!!!!
"List 1: Your Focus List (the road ahead) What are you trying to achieve? What makes you happy? What's important to you? Design your time around those things. Because time is your one limited resource and no matter how hard you try you can't work 25/8. Protect your heart. Seek impeccable words because all words have either life or death energy. Seek out consistently happy people.
List 2: Your Ignore List (the distractions) To succeed in using your time wisely, you have to ask the equally important but often avoided complementary questions: what are you willing not to achieve? What doesn't make you happy? What's not important to you? What gets in the way? Who steals your joy? Avoid them at all cost. We all choose."
Wish me luck. Here I go. I am grateful that I can contemplate ..a list. New lists. I'm going to need my support system to help me adhere to these two lists.
( Oh..having a support system should be on list #1 ..huh?) I expect some people to fall away and new opportunities and people to be found.
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