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Being a Grown Up on November 18th and beyond

So here I am again ..Realizing that as I start to write is November 18, 2010 and that Thanksgiving is a week away.
We know that the holiday ( Holy Day) conjures up all kinds of emotions and the getting together of friends and family.  I think of many Thanksgivings when I was a child and as such,  if we were with extended family,
I sat at the "children's table."

I now think about that time and what the differences were between those tables. You had to be a certain age to sit at the "adults table" and in truth I always seemed to have the attention of some adult in the room so I did not think I was missing anything. I did notice though that the fine china would be what the adult table was set with and while the (we) children had breakable plates there were no wine glasses, sharp utensils, or alcoholic beverages within our reach. We laughed and played with each other and sometimes our food.

The children's table essentially was the safe place with a few older cousins to keep watch over the brood.
The adults' table was not as safe. It is where unchangeable people with opinions and bias were sitting next to each other. Often times there was prayer and grace and often times you would have to wonder if anyone said grace because grown folks were slinging egos across the table and measuring each other and even the amount of food on the plate of another. Not because there was not enough food, but because they thought they had right to regulate how much. He should eat more or maybe she should have less cake.

There was always the loud uncle /aunt or other family member who had stories that made the children and some of the adults laugh and others roll their eyes. But as I look back at it all, I think it was jubilee for me as a child. These adults around me were people that I knew loved me and in truth, I saw ongoing proof that ultimately...they loved each other. My mother and a few family members knew that there was a specific part of the turkey reserved..just for me. Mom still puts it aside just for to this day.  I love that woman like the sky knows blue and clouds!

There was always a lot of Tupperware being filled and packed and a bit of Reynold's wrap so that the " nourishment" could be taken home by those who were just in for dinner.  If you were spending the night. There was egg nog, cake, Jamaican pudding, thirds, and dancing.You can bet there were kids strewn across the armchairs and couches in fulfillment and exhaustion. Video games and football  ran nonstop on the television.

I treasure my evolution to adulthood and the innocence,teasing, and laughter at the children's table.
I realize now that for the good and the bad of it all ; now as an adult, I can set my own traditions, borrow and share a couple of recipes, and carry on great hope for any of the children in my life now and  my very  own that could be in my future. 

As an adult, I am grateful for the memories, my family and friends, and lots of other things.

Here is my  list of just a few:

1) I woke up today breathing unaided by anything but the Divine.
2) I woke in a bed that is my own. It is not a hospital bed.
3) I am in my own warm home.
4) I can see through the windows..the sunshine. No " natural disasters" outside.
5)  I have a job. I have work to do. My employer is accessible via the Internet.

6) I have running water to bathe, drink, boil water for a cup of tea. 
7) There is a pantry full of options of what to eat.
8) Where I have challenges.... I have help.
9) I know how to pray and meditate.
10)  The Internet..I am connected to you in more ways than one. 
11) I 'm grateful for this Charlie Brown oldie and goodie

Grown ups ...we can always exercise grace ( a call for peace and kindness).  
It's a real requirement for the adults' table of life. 
Today and beyond. Eat well, walk good, love deeply. Laugh you are still at the children's table.


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