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Some thoughts on boys to MEN and I am not talking about the R&B group

My very smart, aware and ever evolving brother said to me a while back that there is and will always be a significant difference between boys and MEN. He shared a strong and poignant opinion that a lack of self respect often the self hatred , absence of love, abuse, or negative cultural conditioning will always impact whether or not someone who is biologically a man is truly that (an adult man) mentally and socially.

He and I both believe that it is indicative most often in the way a man treats a woman.
I can tell you some stories. There are boys over 30, 40 and even older and  there are men under 20 years old walking this earth.  

I have a 2 year old nephew who runs to open the door for the women in the family and tries to take grocery bags and carry them to the table when we women enter the house with them.He's just a boy biologically and he is watching and learning from his father.

I consider and would call those that are biologically men but not socially men .. "Old boys." They believe that women are beneath them. Their existence is among the saddest social existences on the planet. They conduct themselves like unattended children, play games without regard for others and often lack a sense of ongoing responsibility for their actions. I feel this way because they lack social maturity no matter their age, they take much for granted, and while many will try to speak life into them, they cannot get it and are not receptive, they are likely to throw tantrums even in resistance. Somewhere they got lost and are scared and broken.
They are not open to a new way.

MEN assume full responsibility for their adult life. Of this you can be certain. And there is a lot of mental illness,emotional instability, lack of awareness, falsehoods, and deep psychosis in these only biological men.
It is revealed by their action and inaction, inconsistencies, blaming of others and always in the way they choose to treat women and girls.

They may say they love them and care for them, but in truth they hate themselves and  often really resent womankind ..that very kind of vessel whose womb incubates both sexes into breathing life. They will even express not wanting to have life and find it okay to express this to women but not men. They do not regard women and sacred. They only consider being measured by other males.

I always believed that a man's sin against a woman is like a sin against his own mother, sister, daughters, and other females he may or may not live, work, play or mask around.

These old boys may be in a particular package and initially pretend to be of as good a character, but it is soon revealed that they lack the presence, soundness, consistent demeanor and consciousness of a whole MAN.

They see something better than their history as an irritant and feign sickness, affection, status,and display defenses to keep the truth at bay. This is the way of old boys. They display trickery and may not even be aware that their behavior is wrong.

They lack stamina in many ways and cannot often keep the facade up because there is little or nothing in their life which makes up their spiritual and emotional building.

They go from good to bad ...earthly to hellish quickly and often. They lack consistency.
They often don't have a touch with reality, their lives are tortured and they will present a different picture of it, but when it is revealed for what it is they become resentful of those who know the truth.

The old boys become more angry. The old boys are lost.

When there  is someone that comes around and sees life as an experience with splendor and  promise or seems to be waving a magic wand of compassion, truth, or high old boy will work very hard to abuse and offend them and their spirit.

Old boys  live on pure ego and trickery. Old boys don't like light. Old boys want company that is miserable like they are. They live in darkness because it is there where  they can see nothing and need not face the brightness of the truth about themselves, others or their life.

Old boys are damaged by their past and sometimes even most loyal to those that corrupted their past and the lack of healthy flow of their current. Sadly they are sometimes victims in love  only with abuse as it is what they know best. It is their normal.

They associate light with their darkness and their power is not real.  It is corrupt and imagined.
They blame others for their circumstances, shortcomings, social failure and chastise good intention. They are easily offended and driven by ego. They fell low but expect that people should lift them and walk on egg shells around them.
Old boys are believe they are entitled and are preoccupied with vice and obsess about themselves, their finances, their material things.

The old boys are not of sound mind, spirit and often it will manifest on their bodies as well.
Like anyone else they are subject to metaphysical response. They are missing much and therefore are inadequate. They are likely to repeatedly torture women in different ways.Women are often the one's that reveal to them or discover their lack and they are often not receptive to that.

They do not know, understand or believe  in this statement: "I AM a child of God just like you."
But because they are broken, perhaps that is the only way that some day when an old boy is near his end  there is enough calm to let light come through his cracks.  Old boys become  MEN when they surrender ego, lies, old hurts, abuse and unhealthy psychology about themselves, women and life.

Another thing I have always heard and believe is this ..
The sins of the father are visited upon the son. This is poignant and so often true. It takes an uncommon , noble, deeply and truly driven and spiritual MAN to offset his " inherited ills."

To any abusive biological man /old boy and especially one who offends what and a woman who obviously is a favor to life I say ...Forgive them Lord for they no not what they do.

They are often sick and not aware that their social and spiritual sickness is a deflection of truth needed for a better life and richer relationships.

Maintaining their suffrage, mistreating others and particularly women, helps them to maintain their identity built on delusion. They want their illusion when they are old boys. They abuse and take for granted a whole woman's ability and tendency to share her soul and compassion.  They cannot like her because they have no self love.

The real man mantra for this decade could be this. " I realize as a MAN that my liberation is directly tied to her liberation."

Check out the video below. I hope it speaks to you a truth that we do not have to be surrounded by "old boys."

- Here's to MEN.

Love and light!

- Adrienne


  1. Amazing ..keep sharing your views.

  2. This video almost made me cry especially when he spoke about the boys taking advantage of the girl. It saddens me because I know how damaging behavior can be - on both parts and sometimes irreparable. I am elated that conversations like these are surfacing more and more because it needs to be addressed and corrected. We need to do better. Hopefully we will all be a part of this solution in our own unique way.... by teaching our little sons a better, more evolved meaning of what it means to be a man.


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