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Dior achieves impact of TV and print via VIVmag advertising

Luxury Daily Article Featuring leading digital and brand marketer Adrienne A. Wallace, Vice President of Marketing for all digital media property, VIVMag

By Rachel Lamb - March 11, 2011

Dior products can be bought in VIVmag

Dior is trying its luck with advertising within VIVmag’s all-digital magazine that connects consumers to click-to-buy ad units.

The brand has a two-page spread in VIVmag. Users are able to click on the campaign to watch a video and use the available link to buy Dior products.

“[Hypothetically], consumers are able to click on a tube of LaMer cream, look at its consistency and then tap on it again to go to its Web site and buy it right then and there,” said Adrienne Wallace, vice president of brand marketing at VIVmag, New York. “This type of marketing cannot be imitated in any other medium except if the consumer physically goes to the store and tries on a product.

“Aside from the immediate ability to buy luxury products, there are also opportunities for access to a brand’s social media sites or whatever else they want to include,” she said.

VIVmag has been publishing for four and a half years. It has 350,000 global subscribers.

Advertising opportunities
Users can tap on different sections on the Dior advertisement to interact with it.

vivmag-dior-ad -

Dior ad, where consumers can play the campaign video and shop for branded products

There is a “play” button, where consumers can see a 30-second video of the campaign. There is also a link that takes customers to a location to buy Dior products at Sephora.

Campaign video found in VIVmag

VIVmag dedicates an entire section of each issue to shopping.

Products are separated into categories such as beauty, jewelry and apparel.

Consumers can click on links below each image where they will be delivered to a branded Web site or retailer where they can look at it in detail or choose to buy it.

Gucci, Marc Jacobs and Yves Saint Laurent all have products in this section that can be immediately bought.

Additionally, because the users are already online, they can share products through email and social media.

“Luxury brands are achieving the impact of both TV and print by advertising in VIVmag, because we create content specifically for the luxury consumer,” Ms. Wallace said.

“We are aware that she has wealth and that the wealthy are downsizing meaning that that they are not traveling as much to go and get what it is they want, so they employ digital tools and rely on digital communities to make new buying decisions,” she said.

Mag mediums
Luxury brands have a few advertising options in VIVmag. There are marketers in fashion, jewelry, travel, auto and home design.

Ad opportunities include standard two-page spreads, event sponsorship, Web site placement and content in VIVmag’s newsletter and iPad app.

A VIVmag subscription is available through Zinio’s mobile application and Web site. A single issue is $6 and a yearly six-issue subscription is $30.

The publication also has its own branded iPad application available in Apple’s App Store for the same prices.

VIVmag has chosen to remain digital through-and-through. There are no plans to launch a print version of the publication.

“We’ve saved millions of pounds of paper by staying digital, and we’re very proud of our green efforts,” Ms. Wallace said. “But also, the digital space is boundaryless.

“Our readers can access the magazine at any time and we have readers from Dubai to Detroit,” she said. “And there are endless opportunities for revenue-driving and advertising opportunities for the brands that market in the magazine.”

Rachel Lamb is an editorial assistant at Luxury Daily. Reach her at

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