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The Earth, Environment, Energy

The earth, environment, energy
by Adrienne Wallace on Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 8:18pm

So for the past several years we have been witness to terrorism, war, public psychosis, seismic shifts in a variety of places and a host of other challenges. What are these things calling on us to do?

Wake up!!!

The negative acts, events and particularly the aforementioned are all an external response to some things that may be wrong and negative for us as a collective entity; the spirits of the earth body.

Coping is difficult for many and watching people quake and fall apart and flood the environment with destructive and negative emotion has become a normal thing. I think they are calling it "national news" and "reality TV" now..

After many instances of broadcast there will be weight loss programs, make up, cosmetic surgery and social anxiety drugs and related "improvement" products recommended in commercials and advertisements designed to stimulate purchase of these things to fix you. This is not just on TV folks. Based on what you post on fb for instance, you will see specific adds pop up on the right hand column. Try commenting on a bunch of baby pictures or a fashion oriented site or type things about a particular artist. You will be served ads or games that respond to a perceived anxiety or desire for that thing. (*If I see " Find out what your baby will look like" one more time!)

I don't think that in times before now when the earth shifted and when governments and people chose war that there were so many alleged solutions designed to numb our consciousness. So as I engage, particularly in social media environments, I encourage positive and healthy perspectives. I encourage balance. There is plenty and enough darkness. Let me see your light!

Those that came before us found solutions and survived long enough to get us here. We stand on the humble shoulders of those still here; the backs of those aging and crawling away, the graves of the dead bodies once inhibited by great survivor spirits. This is your position. What is the gracious energy that matches it?

I wonder if WE (me, you, all of us) could put our egos aside for a moment and try to understand that the earth does not belong to us. I believe that WE belong to it.

This is like our hearts, kidneys, livers, lungs, brains belonging to our bodies. They are part of a greater system.

When any of them fail to operate properly and does not coincide with the well intent of the body, then that body quakes and breaks down.

WE are parts of the earths system. Our malfunction, dysfunction, dis -ease all affect the greater body that is EARTH.

Perhaps aside from the shift that astronomy, geography, oceanography and the sciences of earth and the universe provides we can look at how WE as entities that belong to the earth behave and interact. WE ARE A PART OF THIS EARTH'S SCIENCE.

Perhaps we can consider that we are high impact beings and focus our energy towards a peace and calm that

we are not being shown, but our loudly talking hearts desire.

Everything is matched by a counter energy. We certainly are seeing enough dark and negative things.

Couldn't we claim our positive power during it all?

Whether I am here to see it or not, I KNOW that there will also be many more positive events taking place that are simply not "newsworthy" but they will be affecting you too, but how about WE work on those things now? How about we generate some positivity and have a bit of faith in how that energy will manifest on the earth.

Imagine an angel or other good and well intentioned life source walking through a fire storm of war and angry weather and even personal assault but the path is clear, the walk is straight, the thoughts are on healing, strength. success... The win and peace is sure. This is us not losing site of our birthright.

I have love for you, I sense and have seen your light I wish you Peace...

---- Adrienne A. Wallace


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