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Show some respect. He is not your companion. He is your Commander -In - Chief.

The blatant and horrid disrespect of our Nation's President started long before the State of the Union address where he was called a " liar"  and continues with  even worse name calling and racial attacks.

Our President may be referred to as the following:  " Mr. President", "The Honorable Barack Obama", "His Excellency,  Barack Obama", and of course President Obama.  Nothing less is acceptable. Even referencing him by first name alone (as many people do) is out of line unless you are First Lady Michelle Obama.

While I think we are a global family, I also think these ongoing episodes do much to  further segregate America and give it the image of our country as a place of disgrace, disuntity, and hate. Imagine trying to explain it to a 5 year old who followed the campaign and elections with her family and proudly declared that " Our President is Barack Obama and Ms. Michelle looks like my Nana." (*my heart breaks for the state of the Union's politicians and our children). Ego also holds me to thinking how darn unworthy and broken we look to other countries by tolerating this type of disregard and attack on our President.

We all need to assert that no matter our politics ..this negative energy and expression of hate has no place in our recovery and building of the future for our children.  Matter of fact ..damn recovery. I long to see us better than our individual expectations and contributing to not only a stronger America, but a stronger and peace driven earth.

The condition of the (Dis)United  States is about cumulative lying, cheating, greed, scandal,absence of accountability,spiritual poverty, discrimination,and lack of creed and moral fiber within politics, corporations, and let's just check ourselves for any of those vices while we are at it.

President Obama inherited a United States deep in managing for profitability by any means necessary and not too concerned with the long-term impact on the country and our future.

 I am saddened by the number of people who have shown their lack of loyalty and consistency after sporting their bedazzled Barack Obama t-shirts and campaign buttons. Many of those people were motivated to register and vote for the first time. This though is not judgement from a woman who has been voting since she was registered to do so at 18 years old.

I have become  sickened and tired of the stone throwing and we all could be done with it at this point
Fact is mine and others  may be Lalique crystal in appearance but I know that my house is not without glass.  Is yours?

I pray daily for our President Barack Obama, he is the Executive, Leader, and Commander in Chief of this country and I also pray for our military and the entire human family because NONE of us is without fracture and it is a very, very small amount of us who could ever contemplate much less hold the office of President.

As my lovely mother who hails from Jamaica, West Indies would say about most people of stature and in a call fo us to display humility, "Show some respect! He is not your companion."

My father of the same origin used to show me the most beautiful thing he saw on Jamaican dollars, "Out of many..One People."  Perhaps that is where my higher sense of respect came from. They forged a different consciousness.

Our President is a child of God just like me ...and you. The difference is he is of a mold that was broken. There will never be another like him. I consider myself living on this man's back and I am not waiting for the history of this Presidency to be written to exercise the grace and poise it requires to ACKNOWLEDGE that fact.

God bless you, President Obama. May your 50th birth year (August 4, 2011) be marked by continued health, moments of positive reflection, the support  you deserve of those close to us and all who stand to benefit. May you be enveloped in intense feelings of love, high regard and value in your existence. Thank you, Sir.

That is all.

Kind Regards,
Adrienne A. Wallace


  1. The most important thing to understand and to take note of is how the first family is managing under this intense pressure. They're doing it gracefully. No matter what the situation, they respond gracefully. Its history that is upholding our president. King, X, Garvey, Tubman, Truth, Carver....... as he stands on the pedestal they built, they in turn holds up and embraces him. History doesnt allow him to wander or waver. Our president wont fail because God wont allow it, (greater is god in our president than the gods in this world). America as a whole realizes that there will not be any scandal with this president nor will there be cowardess, he will be here for 8 years. And since he is a president who is obviously for the people, he wont stop fighting for the people. This is where the republicand and some others are attacking. If they can get the people to lose hope by creating constant divisions, dysfunction, uncooperativeness, man made scandals; if they can attack democratic politicians in high profile posisions to have them removed from office, they believe that they can win against our president. (when you cant bring down a tree at its base or roots, attack the leaves and branches) Thats what this is all about, a strong black man who instills hope and folks who wish to stay with the status quo to keep the rich, rich, and the poor, poor. Happy Birthday Mr. President, and thank you Adrienne for this extraordinary article.

  2. Just a couple of days ago, I was watching the morning news and our current President was referred to as Mr. Obama, and in the next segment, they addressed our former President as President Bush! Although I have never been a fan of the former, (I'll not digress into my opinions of the previous administration), I had to accept that he had been voted into office, and therefore should have been addressed as "President".

    I wish that those who didn't vote for him would just accept that many of us did. And he is:

    President Obama.

    Thank you for this post!

  3. He is our President and one of the best that the United States of America has ever seen. That is the conclusion of the whole matter.


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