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100 Things I AM Grateful For...

"I hope that this note finds you doing especially well."  I start most notes that I send this way and the fact is that I mean it.  I am here reflecting on a very full week and closing out what was a quick Saturday.

In the midst of it all I have been itching to journal  about the things that I am grateful for lately. They fall below in no particular order.

1) Cable TV servicer that arrives on time and goes the distance to make sure I get the service I ordered.
2) Safe commutes into New York city during the week.
3) Catching the train with 2 minutes to spare
4)  A pair of gold; leather Ralph Lauren ballerina flats in my pocketbook that  served as back up when my heel broke on my fancy Italian shoes.
5) New connections and friends that are sincere, funny, and engaging
6) The rebloom of roses and exotic flowers in my front and back gardens
7)  My brilliant and open mind if I do say so myself
8) My iPhone...let's just give it up for Apple
9) The end of September when I observe my mother and brother's birthdays back to back
10)  The little voices of my niece and nephew that make me forget the next thing I just have to do.
11) Meditation..silence..listening
12) My best friend, her raw honesty, feisty attitude and the laughter she brings to my life on a regular basis
13) Music
14)Lip gloss
15)Angels ...yes I believe they exist
16) The gift of discernment
17) The ability to tell the truth and let go
18) Social's how I travel, learn, and keep up many days
19) Hunger pangs and the resulting though of 'what will I eat' because I have choices
20) Beauty secrets that are just about keeping a pure heart and good DNA
21) People who are not fakers
22) People who are fakers
23) The Rubin Museum of Art
24) Chicken and how many different recipes  there are for preparing it.
25) A clean kitchen
26) A warm bath
27) Achy limbs - I feel them so I am not paralyzed
28) Utilities bills - Energy is being feed to my house. I have lights, water, heat/ cooling
29) Trees with leaves changing color
30) A meticulous nail technician at the salon
32) My curly hair
33) The anticipation of apple picking in October
32) People who do the right thing
33) That the NASA satellite has not fallen on anyone I know
34) Patience
35) Vibrational medicine
36) Local elections..reminders of democracy
37)The gift of sight
38) Granola cereal and warm milk
39) Real African shea butter -my limbs smell like a tree (pun not intended), but they are so soft
40) Checklists
41) Self checkout at the super market
42) That my family is healthy and safe
43)The success of my friends
44) The love of extended family
45) Creativity - not just mine but the rich kind that comes from diverse employees and partners
46)A conversation good enough to cause me to miss my stop on the train
47) A sense of humor
49) Hope .. I cling to it;not just for me but for everyone
50) The comfort of a plush bed
51) Sleeping through the night
52) Pancakes on a weekday because I have extra time
53) Children who ask exactly what they want to know
54) Men who are extraordinary
55) Women who are extraordinary
56) People who act out
57) Friends who text ..just to say .."I thought of you"
58) A laundry room at home --can't remember the last time I saw the inside of a laundromat
59) Being an optimist
60) Body awareness
61) Knowing that something much greater is working on my behalf ...and yours
62) Orange juice
63) Young multicultural film-makers
64) Rain and how it slows things down
65) Photography
67) Foggy nights
68) Nice cab drivers
69) Fading tan lines - my on body indication that summer is gone, but proof that I got some sun
70) Babies and the thoughts they conjure
71) Online banking  - talk about convenience
72) Art that imitates life
73)Thursdays - my favorite day and I don't know why
74) Good Thai food ...okay just food because there are parts of the world where options and access is limited
75) Dreams
76) Great clothes
77) Sleeping in on Saturday morning
78) Knowing I can pray for whoever and whatever whenever  I want to
79)  My full voicemail box - people are calling to talk with me
80)  A childhood without tragedy
81) Yoga
82)Falling up the stairs and not hurting myself. Yes ..."up."
83) Buddah ears
84) Smart people
85) People who aren't so smart
86) Mental sanity and stability
87) Spiritual fortitude
89) Live music...I want to hear it from my DJ (I miss him).
90) The phone calls and emails that get returned
91) The way that people who don't know me reveal themselves
92) Healthy teeth
93) People who make eye contact
94) The Japanese maple in front of my home
95) My home
96) The color yellow
97) The color purple...not the movie
98) The pursuit of justice
99) A stranger's smile
100) The number 100


  1. Must be nice to be able to think of all the things that you are grateful for, often we think of all the things that don't make us happy.


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