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My business mind on random or overdrive... 5 conversation points

1) Thoughts on efficiency: It is a by product of hard work and in fact a bonus that comes to stakeholders and customers - The world may get excited about it, but efficiency should never be the core goal. Take for example... Google searches. They made looking things up extremely efficient, since you don't have to drive to the library and look through a card catalog and deal with the aggravation of your local library not having what you are looking for. Google is super efficient ; you can search the world of information, but that's secondary to the business of connecting advertisers and users, which is "the right thing to do" in addition to being a case of  "doing things right." What is right and validates efficiency is the ability to earn revenue from it.
2) There is a natural impulse to compete for a win and everything is designed that way. Relationships, business partnerships, media, vendor services, social media. The sooner you apply competition or " gamify" the more likely you are to see people more deeply engaged across demographic sets. #audience/consumer

‎3) ' In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow defined a hierarchy of needs, in ascending order: (1) physiological/biological needs, (2) safety needs, (3) love, affection, and belongingness/social needs, (4) esteem, and (5) self-actualization.' We are driven to work for money and to produce in order to fulfill all of these needs. This is why work matters... We ultimately define our lives by having these needs fulfilled.

4) More notes on being a good people manager: 'Express interest in people.' Take an interest in their personal lives. Ask them about their families, their relationships, what sort of things they do when they are not at work, and how things are going in general.  Respectfully inquire about their culture. Business thrive with the insights of diverse and multicultural contributors. Create a freeway for global thought. The fact is that every person has a complex, busy, emotionally charged, and active life away from the office. For most people, their personal lives are the centerpieces of almost everything they think or feel, and their work life is secondary.'

5) What motivates customers to buy? 'The reason that people buy things is that they feel that they will be happier after buying the item than they were before. People buy in anticipation of how they think they will 'feel' as the result of the buying decision. The goal of the salesperson or marketer is to sell "hope." It is the hope of greater happiness rather than lesser happiness that causes every human action, including buying decisions.'
That's my mind on overdrive or in random thought this week. Talks of business, consumers, vendors, marketing, budgets, and simply being human.  If you are interested in connecting please join my public facebook page. 



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