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Save, Serve or Sever..In the Complicated Miracle

It is easy to look at people and make quick judgments about them. It is easy to see what they are lacking and what is not going to coincide well with who you are. I do it all of the time. This makes me human; a complicated miracle.

It is all too often that  people show me a face, send their representatives and in knowing this ..I say that what they are showing me is what I can believe of them. They may show me something they cannot maintain because it is not who they are, they may show traits that they are not aware that they have and the truth is that I AM AWARE and  I tell myself...Don't trust him/her; don't invest too much time or energy.   I do this by simply being me, honoring my values and if someone can grow from the goodness and consistency of wellness that defines me that is great.  If not ..that is great too. There is still a lesson; deeper confirmation and more awareness gained.

I am working on this each day and the glass is by no means half full.  People will tell you that they were at a bad place when you encounter them or that they are coming out of a bad space but the truth is where they are is all there is at that moment.  I am usually spot on correct about this. 

Nevertheless, I have faith in people improving because I am constantly doing exactly that. How can I not? I am a person as well. The frailty and inconsistencies of others does labor me at times, but I press on like a because personally, professionally, and spiritually my cup is full. I expect it to get bigger but living and not just existing is what makes it full.  Dancing, laughing, learning, tasting, sharing, exploring, comforting, loving, knowing. It is full.

I have a tendency to point out  and connect  with what I see as positive intentional adult actions motivated by generosity, intelligence, joy, love, wisdom and thoughtfulness. I tend to move towards people who display consequences that can be experienced as positive. My air and water sees their positive consequences as the fire I need to do well on this earth. I watch for protective instincts versus paranoia in people. I value consistency.

On the other hand, I try to avoid and make clear that I am not here for that and not attracted nor motivated by any intentionally negative actions ( anything that resembles  desperation, greed, hatred, regret, laziness, disunity and delusion).

I am careful to note the discount that comes from the actions and behaviors that I see revealed as a tendency towards consequences that are experienced as negative and based on hurt, lack of forgiveness, grief, or misery. I am in a role of ownership and accountability in my life and it allows me to eliminate grief where I see it.  I do what I can to eliminate it. My purpose is to avoid suffering.

Sometimes it is as powerful as a prayer. I do not turn my head the other way without a prayer; so I am also making judgements of a sort from a base of wisdom. This is discernment. I notice if a person is consistent or inconsistent and if they treat me with high regard in a healthy way.  I look to get what I give and I know that each life is a miracle and that I too am a miracle. I know that we are all quite complicated.  I notice if people have good balance or if they display a life  that is unbalanced. I notice action over talk and I engage best when talk and action are in unison  I have personal power for healing and to be healed.  I realize when someone is not in that same space.  I acknowledge healing in process and  those with resistance to healing.

The latter type of people are the ones who are dangerous in many ways. They are often  people who are hurt and the fact is hurt people continually hurt other people. They are not powerless. They are usually unaware of the positive or negative effects of their power. They often cannot help themselves until they are healed. They are not empowered.

They lose their intention in pain and have relationships and connect on the basis of trying to mask that pain.  They develop addictions  ranging from food and drugs to work. They live in a state of fatigue and you will always find something in their behavior that equates to a quick fix.

Some of us see people and we make harsh commentary about their present and their past, but you might be amazed at the pain, tears and torture that a single smile hides in many people. Many are holding on to their past because they do not have comfort in the NOW. Their presence is about a time gone by and not present time. To be comfortable here they need others to be as uncomfortable as they are. They meet someone they regard as wonderful and do not recognize the sacred nature of that connection because they have not healed from a connection that made the way they relate to others severe.

Realizing that people are not perfect and fully aware of this I make decisions each day in terms of what  relationships I need to save, stand and serve, or sever all together.  I honor my connections to people and I see it as a way of also honoring God.  That honor and the human energy is the connector and so I think sometimes we end up encountering and engaging certain people not because we choose them, but  mainly because it is an assignment. As people we are all connected regardless of the opinion that we have about ourselves, others, and relationships, because these are the things that we all have in common. We are assigned to each other by being human. We are part of this complicated miracle and as we come to acknowledge all energy we know that  the glass is full.

We all and certainly I am good at walking away from relationships that show no service to my God, my dreams, my desires,  my goals,  greater peace and my  basic needs.  There is a real gift in being able to serve as much as there is a gift in severing a relationship. No matter what we choose to do, there is one thing we cannot walk away from ...That thing is the lesson that each experience provides.  Whether it is rewarding or disappointing getting  the lesson is empowering an in accord with our  wellness whenever we stand aware that the connection that we made was made because of the holographic nature of  being human.

Knowing that what one person does not correct in one area  of their shows up in another. ..That is the lesson.
Save, serve, or sever the relationship based on that.

For the most part they are hurt and tortured, they cannot honor their claims but they will constantly make all kinds of claims towards both achievement and loss. The truth is they are tortured and without the discipline to honor any of it.  They will lie and not be noble. This is because the pain they have, bring, and connect to is heavy and  knowing that they are subject judgment makes is that much heavier. Managing that judgement depends on whether  one gets help or support. There is a difference between the two.

Some of us are born with a spirit headed to sit with the stars and we either come here with what we need to get there or we get the "support" we need along the way. Some of us arrive there with "helpers." Helpers get you there so that they can be part of the attention.

Supporters will get you there by standing behind you and brushing the dust and weight away from your shoulders to encourage and assure that whatever is sprouting as wings will lead you to the highest height in your life. Supporters....protect you.

We are not all stars. Some stars come crashing down no matter how golden and sturdy the ladder. Some suffer for getting there because the have not or refuse to acknowledge their work really is on the ground where things grow; they want what they see above the ladder. Some fall from the ladder and find wings to fly.

Work to not judge. It is far better to be discerning and learn to respect and acknowledge the feelings of another person. Cultivate awareness.Stand in silence ...often. I call it "wearing Buddah ears" into the room. You my see, hear, witness the suffering even, but do nothing that adds to it. You will become more aware

Awareness fosters intentional acts and those actions modify our consciousness and how we save, serve, or sever in the world. Your consciousness is your energy and all energy is powerful.

Try to not turn away when someones share their consciousness towards good and moral awareness of life.
 It may not be what you have always known or what you cling to but the truth i : It is a thing that comes from their experience and each experience is worthy of an entire life. We are not that separate.

Life is --- the putting together of cells, blood, air, water, a biological system placed in to a vortex with emotion, spirit and some measure of morality and therefore it is the most complicated miracle.

Be gentle. Be sure. Trust that in every life there is love.

Life is the most complicated miracle and it is fleeting with a million lessons to deliver as it runs with time that is hard to predict.

If life is a with your heart and discernment in balance and on a team marked by intelligence, compassion, and loaded in high moral consciousness.  Seek honesty and after  working towards having it in an interaction with another person, learn to accept where there is none. Everything needs truth.
 Decide what you can save, where you can serve and what you should sever. Be honest about it. We are all worth it.

 - Adrienne A. Wallace


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