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Who I would like to meet

Who I would like to meet

by Adrienne A. Wallace on Saturday, May 26, 2012 at 8:24pm ·

I think from time to time of some of the people that I would want to meet if I could transcend all time:
Gilgamesh, Sun Tsu, Plato, Confucius, Alexander, Archimedes, Caesar, Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Moses William the Conqueror, Hideyoshi, Shakespeare, Musashi, Basho, Voltaire, Franklin, Mozart, Hokusai, Monet, Einstein, Usui, Churchill, Ghandi, Queen Nefertiti,  a woman said to be named “ Rosa Lee,” Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Dr. Seuss, Lewis Carroll, Robert Nesta Marley, Louie Armstrong, Neil Armstrong, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright,  Jacob Lawrence, Uriah Wallace, Mother Theresa, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Coretta Scott King, President Barack Obama, our first woman President ( I might have already met her) my future child(ren) and their children, the person who prays for me ceaselessly that I may never meet yet I just know he/she exists...

 How people respond to this list will always tell me who really wants to meet me. Truly. That is all (for now).

- Adrienne A. Wallace  (circa... forever)


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