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Just Call Me.... Spirit Child™
I have received several emails from dear, inquisitive folks with regards to my " Religion." I will quote one particular statement: " You seem to get it and judge it, and explain it and make everyone feel included in it. But I am not sure what it is. Are you? You seem grounded in faith but not offensive with it or like you wear it like some badge like other people. How come?  I want to get there, it seems like you are okay and happy."

This lends me pause. I sometimes have been put on the spot to name it. I mean that in a good way, but with so many inquiries, well you know I should answer and I must share.... First off, I have a nickname. It is "Spirit Child" and is something given to me since I was a preschooler. My mother told me that she would happen to find me speaking in a near whisper while playing in my room and when she questioned me about who I was talking to, I would tell her "God". How she recognized it as something different from a typical imaginary friend, I do not question. And I imagine she did not question it because of my answer. I mean what do you say to that? I have asked her if she was uneasy with a 4 year old who would answer like that and then ' just go back to playing with Holly Hobbie and she has consistently told me "no."

My mother  is a deeply religious woman and understands that I do not belong to her so much as I was delivered in trust.  I am her daughter...deeply "spiritual." Mom is the vessel. She believes that 'if you have a maker at some place in your make up or packaging the label will show.' I also love and respect people very deeply and I have a diverse set of friends and family that are from various countries, faith, religions, and mindsets. In having a relationship with people, I do not examine them. I have an inner voice and discernment. I examine life and the commonalities thereof. I have never known anyone (yet) to be going through a situation that is just their own. I can always name two people for any situation.

If I cannot find anything of the spirit in common with a person then I do not work with, pursue friendship with or feign affection for them. (To thine own true). The Higher Spirit/ God is in me as much as I am in the heart of God. Self truth to me (the good and the bad) is God's truth. And I read about, ask about and will observe their faith and faith practices as I believe that to be the best way to understand our world. Going beyond the material items of life, I believe that we are all interconnected .

 Even in the case of the bad and our suffrage I believe that if not for the Higher Spirit and a unique consciousness, then I would most certainly be in a similar place. I am no better than anyone, just a bit more convicted, knowledgeable and desiring of peace and a peaceful journey. I have much that I have been exposed to in the way of faith practice, much that I believe in. In some cases there are things that I cannot explain how I know. So, I do consider it a gift and I am grateful always and extremely joyful when what I know and reveal brings comfort to another person or provides them confirmation. Believe me I get as good as I give. Immediate or not, I do believe that.

I subscribe to what speaks to my heart and allows the most positive connection to others without labeling them or myself. I am subject to duality, require balance,I am evolving in the understanding of this. I also understand that my role is to bring someone along and I may not always like the appointment. I get and practice more than anything else a really great religion I would label as KINDNESS.

I also do not react to everything that others may have a "spiritual reaction" to because sometimes there are no words and thought is often as powerful. Indeed there are moments when I am as quiet as a kidney bean. There have been devastating things that have occurred recently and I believe full well there are no religious or spiritual truisms for them. My cousin’s murder in March 2012 is such a thing.

There things that occur which I think call the spirit to stillness. There are some things that I think the only solution for is listening and observation to learn from them. Don't be confused by this. It is still me. Who often has a lot to share but at the same time can be quite intimate and meditating. It is all spirit action. People often ask me "Are you Buddhist? " I am human... actually a spirit filling human potential and in that form I excel and falter. Yes, Buddhist principles do grab me, as do some Hermetic and Christian principles and practices. Face to face there is one thing about me that people will notice. It is my pause.

Before every interaction, I acknowledge the ground beneath me (usually stable so I am grateful) and I do this with my eyes before I meet the other person's eyes. And my very first thought before I open my eyes? " I wish this person peace."  Sometimes if I choose not to interact with a person, I do not meet my eyes with theirs at all.  It is my way to turn away from their pain. There are eyes I long too meet from Minnesota to maybe Mozambique...wherever HE is.

 I pray- always. Out loud, in silence, in the shower, and even over a meal at a business dinner. NO matter what or where, I pause to be gracious for breath,all faculties, and matter. For me it is like brushing my teeth. It simply has to happen. If I don't brush my teeth, I imagine that I would not be too pleasant to be around or get close to. I don't make a big deal about it .. I just brush my teeth because it's healthy, feels good , and has been second nature since I was at least two years old. Can't much imagine not doing it. Finally, before I get questions on Hermetic Principles...I have posted them below. Now, if you ask I can provide you some of my interpretation and in doing so maybe a deeper understand of my energy or rather things that influence it. Praying and loving,vibrantly yours... - Spirit Child ™ aka Adrienne A. Wallace

THE SEVEN HERMETIC PRINCIPLES The principles of truth are seven; the seven hermetic principals, upon which the entire Hermetic philosophy is based, are as follows:
 1. The Principle of mentalism: "The All is mind, the Universe is mental."
 2. The Principle of correspondence: "As above, so below; as below, so above."
 3. The Principle of vibration: "Nothing rests, everything moves; everything vibrates."
 4. The Principal of polarity: "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are all the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled."
5. The Principle of rhythm: "Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."
 6. The Principle of cause and effect: "Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law."
 7. The Principal of Gender: "Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principle; Gender manifests on all planes."

In our present time and in our daily life, the Hermetic-Judeo-Christian teachings are firmly embedded on the back of the United States one dollar bill...(The Great Seal of the United States; "It's history, symbolism and message for the New Age." Paul Foster Case.) Today we see the wand of Hermes as the symbol for the medical profession. Hermes is the father of occultism as well as the father of Alchemy (chemistry) and astrology (astronomy). When we speak of Hermes we are speaking of pure intelligence itself.


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