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Teach Me How to Battle

Teach Me How to Battle

by Adrienne A. Wallace on Monday, December 24, 2012 at 4:29pm ·
Teach Me How to Battle... Adrienne shares a thought

I was asked the other day if I think that our President will seriously pursue gun bans and revision of laws against them. I think he will do what the power of his office allows. I think WE each must be accountable and do our part. Regular civilians do not need assault rifles or access to them. Period. " I want my right to violence" is absolute bullshit and actually I think a bit sick and a indicative of a  tortured soul. Spare us the Second Amendment talk as well because our history has changed. If you have an assault weapon, respect your community and turn it in at your local police station.

When my siblings and I were growing up in Houston we visited the house of a good friend of my Dad's he had "super soakers" for his kids to play with and there were three of them but maybe ten of these big neon plastic water guns. When we were leaving their house to head back to Bellaire, my Dad's friend asked us if we wanted to take some home. My Dad quickly answered, "Absolutely not. We do not play with toy guns at my house." I was 11 years old and I remember his command on that hot day in Texas. We had battle play with talcum powder and ice. Long story, but we chased each other throughout the house with talcum powder in one hand and another person with their sandwich bag with ice.

Talk about armed and dangerous in the house ... It was too funny and when we caught my Dad, my Mom would help us hold him down (He's 6'2) and we would throw ice down his shirt and powder him from head to toe. It is a good memory. We are all grown up now and little boys in our family do not have toy guns and violent video games. We grew up with PAC-Man, Centipede, and Donkey Kong.

Our children now play with sing along and matching games on their digital tablets and the family computer. They do not watch violent TV shows or movies. Transformers and sci-fi type shows leveraging science are superior to watching a shoot out or crime drama on TV. We create our experience through what we tolerate and ingest daily. We impose values on our children. Grown folks need not depend on our government to set the value system.
It starts with us in each individual household. We set the bar for what we experience in society and one household can impact a whole community as evidenced time and time again.

The other night, I went to get some items for a party. In the back of the store, I saw a few large glass  bottles made in the shape of large machine guns. It was a premixed adult drink. At the check out and with the belt full of my $322 worth of items, I asked for the manager. I asked him if the management had considered the messaging and especially removing it from the shelves considering what had occurred days earlier. They took them off the shelves while ringing up my purchase agreeing that it could not be worth it to upset customers and lose them to a lack of sensitivity. So it rests with us. Your voice and dollars speak.  Spark heightened consciousness.  What will we tolerate?

Do we really all need government to set restrictions or do we have enough regard for our children, selves, society, the future,  and great enough self respect to display a higher consciousness and reject devices, places, play, and attitudes that perpetuate violence? Self regulate and give the future the opportunity to be brighter than our yesterdays.

As I go about the sanctuary that is  my home, I cannot help but think about the emptiness that must be taking over for the families that lost loved ones in Newtown on December 14th. If you can, please light a candle in their honor. Take a few moments to generate a peaceful thought of transmitting divine healing and healthy points of recovery towards them all.

Work, pray for, act in and demand PEACE on earth. God bless you one and all. Go create a good memory. You are meant to be here.

Love and light!


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