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Run For Your LIfe ...Adrienne A. Wallace

Run for Your Life.....
I AM sure I DO not want to know who did it.
Knowing like this leads to stereotypes.
I don't care about the complexity of that person or persons.
I am concerned with our compassion for the survivors all of them.
The families and friends of the now deceased ones are survivors too.
Do not give into any fear with this.
Contemplate PEACE and
Contemplate STRENGTH
My meditations yesterday
Because I sensed something wicked to come?
No because I sense a need for these things no matter what may come.
Now what. Doing it still.
Join me.
Make that the elements of your home life.
We spend do little time there(home).
Do we take the words "Don't talk to strangers "too easily?
Yes and it is easy because we live and work with people we treat like strangers ...
We don't talk WITH them.
We are angry and someone is angrier ; hence Boston 4-15-2013
Do we ignore " See something ...Say something" or take it lightly?
What are you ignoring?
I imagine we want to seek justice.
Jails and prison for unjust entities who have long before their offenses, been imprisoned in their minds.
Compassion and healing for the injured
Regret and sorrow for the dead.
Blood all over the street and sidewalks.
Limbs separated and blown away and media complacency that says,
" But these are injuries like in Afghanistan." " Gangrene" Says the Medi(c)a(l) doctor on
  Let's call it " See an end"  aka CNN
Imagine the irony of losing limbs where so many came to use and test the limit and strength ...the STRENGTH of their own.
A marathon?
How many of us are running through the world with hate on our heels and death as the finish line?
"Run for your life" has new meaning.
When will the madness and fuckery cease?
" Terror "so common a word that the average 8 year old knows what it means
Today, the death of an 8 year old.
Never to return to school, or the playground or to the arms of loved ones.
That is too familiar.
Each individual mind has a trust however it cannot be trusted.
This is a manifestation of ill conceived thoughts
Pray ... That is conception.
Every thought is a prayer.
Conceive of good.
Run for your life ...
It is a marathon after all

--- Adrienne A.Wallace 4/15/13


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