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Awareness of the Plateau

You deserve to know when you've reached your plateau: 

A real "plateau " means you have stopped growing. It means your mind
and senses are being dulled by sameness, by a regular routine that drains the life and soul out of you, by getting less out of your life effort while giving and doing more and more. We often think that a plateau is a positive thing. It is not. A plateau will typically drive us batty and lead to making negative decisions and those of us who get there typically feel desperate. It is a low energy force while it requires so much energy yo have gotten there.  We will understand this force through developing awareness and then tapping in. That is what will let us get more from less effort and feel more in synch with the rhythm of and the real reasons we were put on this planet. Awareness happens with engagement of our minds, bodies, and spirits and it very rarely is truly in whole play when we have not engaged all three of these sources of being.

 Awareness is the key to moving on, through, forward and up and having it developed  will help us to know when we have hit a plateau and need to get going. Look around are you doing the same thing over and over for the same end result or more of the same and cannot get ahead in your social, economic, physical disposition?

 Do you have awareness of this? Are you going to do what is required to cooperate with your destiny knowing that we live in a day of incredible opportunity and resources? Are you going to make and excuse because you are so used to doing what you have always done though it makes you feel sad or low? The awareness muscle needs exercise and it can be taught. 
Without it we cannot be the better person we look to be or whether we are a educator, medical professional, artist, executive, coach, a parent, a dancer, a cook, spouse,partner, a parent and good provider for your family or whatever your label and positive legacy you seek to create. When we come to the realization of the fact that we have hit the plateau but do not have the life skills to move forward or onward it is important to invest in ourselves. I met a woman while wardrobe shopping who thought I was not yet 30. I end up in conversations with strangers on a daily basis because I AM aware that there are no children of a lesser GOD. She was very talkative and was giving me compliments about my being ( the way I interacted with the sales staff, how I looked in my work out gear, my voice) she said she thought I 'belonged on the stage' and then said she should have worked on her personal appearance and presentation when she was as young as me. I then told her that she only needed to be aware of where she was now. When your life choices sets you in a state of regret or despair ... You have hit a plateau. She asked me how to move to a new level at her age and I told her that she would have to give up a routine that takes and invest in one that gives. We have to give what we are willing and we will receive what we believe. That is how you start. #intheliferoom 


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