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The Black and White Family That Is Living Behind Us, A White Woman Pretending To Be a Black Woman and SC - No Where Sacred

June 19, 2015

I have been away for a bit from blogging, social media accounts and I spent almost two weeks off  my own personal facebook page. The world continued to turn on its axis. Things were in a swirl of sort and I want to stay in a healthy focused vortex with business and personal pursuits.   As an energetic being I felt the drama and tensions of June 2015 nevertheless. 

During my time off the page, I discovered that a female skunk had babies and built her den in the backyard of the home. Pure luxury for her, I assure you.  I was alarmed and then observant. 
There are five really cute "kits" (baby skunks) and their lone mother. No TV for them; just homeowners who would like them to relocate. We sprayed “organic” repellent (basically fox hormone) along the rocks and she is diligently working to place herself and those little black and white babies in a new home. We have been watching her.  The neighbors with two little girls who love to walk barefoot on their property seem to be the restaurant property for these skunks. 

We are being patient. We have compassion for the other black and white race...animals of the skunk variety.

We have learned that they are efficient. We watched the mother come and rake leaves from around the shed 11 times and carry them into what is her temporary den. They can tell time down to the minute. Every evening at 7:30 she comes out to go gather food and I watched her sniff each baby and allow just one to come with her (right under her tail) while the other kits ran and rolled back into their den. They are playful and will follow you like kittens do and they will not spray unless accosted or threatened. They have a lot more going on than what society outside of them and the ignorance of the human race has allowed us to know.

We have a new view of this animal that is so different than us. Our compassion allowed us to look into their lives and the symbolism of a mother skunk..building a den, protecting and caring for her babies, managing her time and so very efficiently decorating and padding her den as a rain storm threatens  is very powerful. More than that.. None of these black and white kits look alike. Their markings are all different and the males have more black on their tails while the females have more white on their tales. Something tells me the mother loves them all and while they may each need to be loved differently, they are all protected and fed.

It has been something to watch.  It has been easier to watch in the past 10 days than what is happening across the country as it relates to Black and White in the human race. I think the task of liberating animals is easy in comparison to the task of liberating humans. Life Coaching and managing corporate teams,driving for diversity, and being a Black woman has taught me that we humans are the greater challenge for the earth. 

I think  of how our world could improve if a new  level of virtue was displayed by the human race unto each other. Understanding the nature of those not like you is critical to survival of each grouping. When you think you know something but do not understand end up making a mess of things. What you perceive is all you know unless you decide that you want to have an experiential account where you actually engage with compassion. I know that  the animal race, that mother skunk wants what I want: safety, a happy and healthy family, a safe comfortable place, lots of nature, freedom from attack , no false perceptions, food.

We assumed things about these skunks  based on what other people told us as children and sought confirmation of that initially.  In comes the adult mind. Those people and we were wrong. Wanting and assuming to be right about the difference and offensive nature of these animals determined our initial response.

This is where much of White America is. So many people are born into false perceptions of most of us in reaction to skunks.  This is where much of Black and African American communities in America is as well. And how then will they conduct themselves in the world when they see how most people react to them? I can only imagine what the mother skunk has to teach her babies about survival.

How do they outlive their genetics?  They cannot and they cannot outlive the perception of ‘the other race.’The other "race" is human and is ignorant and acts like they know. Sometimes knowing is suffering and knowing is something that they do not want.

Existence is false because it is threatened by the idea that others are  better or lesser. Peaceful existence requires compassion of each race one unto the other. The animal race does not likely suffer like human beings. We have different freedoms and the decision to create discomfort for others or ourselves based on physical realities is an ongoing practice.

Stilling ourselves and then chilling out and watching  this little black and white familu allowed us to learn what the instruments to understanding truly are and also ask the skunk family to leave peacefully. We observed and enhanced our perception and intelligence. We increased our humanity.

I am the the ever faithful  and I know that my compassion is necessary. I  am constantly prayerful,  forever optimistic. I am 'The Mystic' herself ...I am telling you all that prayers are not enough. The work that can be done to stop the killings, modify the hate and acknowledge who we really are is beyond what most people are willing to do. 

You must know where and how you are weakened and you must be conscious of who else knows that. Who is weakened? What are the messages? How much propaganda using lives that we say matter? What is next? Do you leave?Where would you exhile?

Surely not in the Czech Republic/ Germany from where they ethnic and biological makeup of  one Rachel Dolezal (pawn in the game) hails.

The fact is, her ethnic background is long considered as part of the 'Aryan - type Europeans.' 
Part of the social standards for superiority is the distaste and even hate for anyone that does not have blonde hair and blue eyes like she does. Ironic
huh?   Racism or rather ethnic hate is prevalent and a cultural norm. hating based on skin color, hair color, eye color.  Crazy ..I think.

The Black woman - she that  social anthropology and science notes as the original woman; bearer and conqueror of too many burdens, objectified through history for her sexual appeal and the carrier of the Eve what Rachel Dolezal wants to be.  She does not know what it is to be Black
because she is not. Period. She academically has studied what books and often false ambassadors on Black / African American history have provided for her perception. That makes no one Black.

She understands what she does due to misguided notion of how humanity flowers and her own mental obsession  but not knowledge and not devotion. Devotion is not an act or costuming. Being on her city's  Police Ombudsman's Commission pretending to be Black... is sickening. In a time where every other day B unarmed lack people are being killed across the country by police. If ever there was a place where we could use authentic  Black representation in every city in the United States right now, it would be where  prevention and resolution with the police is happening.

With Rachel Dolezal I would share  these things: 

 - Devotion requires seeing the limitations of who you are and becoming boundless by being exactly who you are.

- Your suffering is not rooted in reality.

- If you address the world in your state of reality you can magnify your power to heal...first yourself

- Stand White and say to your White counterparts that your soul is displeased with the way that people of color and Black people are
treated in the country. 

- No need to reverse your access. Renounce with your voice (not your costume) the hate that  lives within the White communities that look like you but does not feel like you. Live and be with them and speak to the discomfort.

- Stand courageously and know that the problem is that you have not done what is necessary to be an ally by decieving people...stand where you are and speak to the evils and inequity that persist.

- Stand where you are and listen to the talk of 'them' and ' those people' that happens.

 - As a White woman take advantage of your privilege to access and allow fair access and opportunity to the Black and African American people you are so interested in being.

-  I do not know what is pathology or social training for you but mental balance is missing  when one can repeat a false existence day in
and day out and the thin line has been pushed. 

- You are not a child of a lesser God.

- I hope you are not at the point where you cannot cross back.
- There are plenty of White people who have courageously stood, fought, and died for social justice, equality and fairness for people of color and they have done so while never pretending to be Black.  Your actions do not minimize theirs.

- Get help. Go as yourself. In America the help  for you comes quicker outside of the costuming or anyone thinking you are Black.

- Being a WOMAN of any ethnicity is enough. Own that existence and do the work.

 All of us ....What  is wise to do?

- Do not be ignorant. Be conscious

- Plan to rise not crash

- If you are going in the wrong direction - Stop and turn around.

- No matter your ethnicity be brave and in terms of racist remarks and actions...shut it down wherever you hear it amongst 'your

- Do not deceive yourself by thinking that saying nothing maintains the peace.

- Eject the racists from your life anywhere you discover them 

- Get off the internet and into the library or bookstore and read the hard copy about the social, economic and artistic expressions of Black and African American culture  and history to heighten your awareness.

-Talk to  your elders of all ethnicities as ask the hard questions.  Listen to them. Many of them think we are out of our damn minds because we are
turning back the clock with the madness that is going on today. Be discerning.

- Protect your psyche, protect your magic and talk about how this shit that we are living with is making you feel.

 - Say and share if you are sad, angry, tired, okay with it?

 - Please do let me know if you are okay with it so I can manage my connection to you. Seriously. 

Here is where we are in June 2015:

When Black or African Americans commit social offenses, crimes, etc. they often do not live. When a White (Caucasian) commits social offenses, crimes, etc., we hear that they have a mental illness, suffered childhood trauma, were 'under the influence.' They are handled with care and they make it to jail and some quickly make bail.

It apparently is easy to be kind to your kind in South Carolina ( Mother AME Church Massacre) where the confederate flags fly high and racist are celebrated and a Governor says 'we don't know what would make someone do something like this..' while the Confederate flag flies over her head every day.
I simply cannot take the madness and I certainly cannot manage to people who remain silent on these issues. If you are not mad  or sick to the stomach about these things it is likely because you have gone mad (mentally) long before now.

Construct peace. Know devotion.  Stop saying "Praying for" ...when you have not. Hashtags mean nothing without action. The bandwagon is full. Time for conscious action. 

Create peace. Stay in your skin while you do it.




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