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The Consciousness, Intention and Actions to Achieve Diversity and Inclusion

 Here is a bold statement: "Diversity is not something that is needed. It already exists." 
All we have to do is accept that and use our eyes wherever we can to acknowledge that people are different with unique thoughts, histories and perspectives to contribute. Social consciousness, intention and action to include diversity in the way that business is created, conducted and supplied is the imperative. This means inclusion is: the business design/model, team structures and practices around achieving results.
Proof that diversity is a given only requires looking at our global economy. For anyone in business managing to a local or global role or a consumer who has traveled to other places  beyond the United States of America, there is new learning. For some people there is enlightenment that about 9/10ths of the world is made up of Black, Brown, Yellow and Red skinned people. The other 1/10th are White/ Caucasian people. During the colonialism of America and other countries, the 1/10th found the 9/10th living and productive across nearly all geographical regions that they happened upon. In many cases the explorers and their discovery disrupted the cultures of  the 9/10th in those places while in pursuit of goods, natural resources and conquests in the name of commerce.
Consequently, ownership, employment and opportunity is predominately assumed by the males from the 1/10th segment. This is true in business across the globe.  There are some countries that do not have or express as dire a need for D&I efficiency, programming and practice. The reason is their social history is not marked by as much denial of rights; practices marked by racism, sexism, gender bias or other unfortunate acts that have limited fairness and opportunity to those that qualify as the 9/10th in need of diversity and inclusion practices in other countries.
When you do not or your company does not have an ethnically diverse organization,  you are saying to your customers that their money is good and matters but they do not matter. Insights and actions of  a diverse contributor and worker population increases profitably, competitiveness.  If we are prepared, we will understand that creating excellent Diversity Inclusion efficiency is a human capital management function; data will show social and capital gains for the companies. It drives profitability through people. Civil rights, the age of digital and the tanning of global society dictates that Diversity and Inclusion is more than a nice to do. It is can be measured in four  other functional and measurable areas : Creativity, Commercial Competition, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Compliance.
A C-suite that understands this and has Diversity and Inclusion as part of the core values of everything a company does is one that has its eye on the prize. Diversity as a value has a  positive trickle down effect. It is also great when a Diversity/ qualified minority leader is in charge. However, that leader is isolated to a dream of Diversity if other business units do not also have Diversity qualified individuals in the leadership ranks across the business to carry out the goals and objectives of inclusion through hiring practices, mentorship, and accountability.
Please listen to this podcast. It addresses some further thoughts on how and what areas to make diversity and inclusion the norm and not a trend. A  top - down dedication and business designed with Diversity and Inclusion as part of the business DNA will achieve a global goal achievable by  fall good and great companies. The goal is  productive humanity .

- Adrienne


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