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Embracing Transition - Things to do when it seems to be falling apart.

Things fall apart often and we should expect that or nothing at all.  It's quite natural and we are a part of nature.  Transition is a part of living. No changes worthwhile life. Sitting here in the middle of summer and looking at the leaves that had dried and fallen to the ground  in my backyard  while  I watched over playtime, my niece declared "It's going to be fall soon!" 

I smiled at her and said " You're 5 years old, don't rush'll have to go back to school!"
She responded, " I know! I get to start first grade and I'm going to be the youngest in my class. I love school!"

Who can argue with that embrace of transition, a positive spin, optimism and enthusiasm?

Lesson  - When things seem   to fall apart (and they often will) optimistic as to what opportunities and new experiences come with the change.

Better than that, here is a list of 10 things to do when things fall apart. Be it an illness, job loss, the end of a relationship, a broken computer, a faulty email system, a critical change, or heaven only knows what else.

1) Volunteer at a place where there are people less fortunate than you and /or in need of your expertise or spirit. Donate the things you've been meaning to give away. - This is a great way to keep your humanity in gear.
2) Sleep in a little later than you ever would
3) Write down what your dream is and get on the computer and Google  the key expressions you wrote down. It may lead you to a place you never expected
4) Clean, organize, and empty your email  inbox and personal surroundings as necessary.
5) Wash you car or someone else's by hand.
6) Spend time with little children. They giggle ceaselessly and help you to exercise the patience muscle.
7) Go have lunch with the friend you never get to see because  you are always missing each other
8) Hand write a letter to someone you 've been meaning to connect with
9) Cry - tears are toxic ..get them out and get it over with
10) Be smart and tell someone and then and take the appropriate steps to help yourself.

Sometimes it is hard as an adult to pursue happiness and bliss if we have been comfortable our whole lives .
It can be equally difficult if the transition has emotional or financial implications. But like the seasons the changes are often necessary.

The best pursuits come from the presence of grief, something broken, frustration with process or the lack thereof, and often confusion.  Everything coming to life hurts.

Here's to your new birth and upcoming joys.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this. These are awesome pointers to help deal with the angst that somehow arises with transition. Thank you A.


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